Thursday, November 5, 2009

4am wake-up call

Tomorrow morning we have a 4:15am wake-up call. We're headed to Eilat for the weekend and our bus leaves at 4:45am. We'll be spending the weekend hiking, sight seeing, relaxing by the beach, etc. Look for updates around Monday or Tuesday.

This past week has been cold and rainy. My roommate and I have spent the week, when not volunteering, curled up in our beds--staying away from the outside. The one time we did leave the room was for a pancake meal at the pub. Once a week at the pub the Israeli's arrange a communal meal, bbq or something. The pub is about four minutes walking from my room. There is usually a good turn-out of the young Israeli's on the kibbbutz and the people from my program. Well this week they made pancakes. There was chocolate sauce, maple syrup, ice cream, nuts, candies, etc. to top the pancakes with. It was amazing

Anyway, the rain leaked into our kitchen from the roof and the wall in our bedroom also has water damage (but no water leaked in, on the floor, like it did in the kitchen). Thankfully a man came promptly to fix this. They will have to come one more time to fix the water damage on the wall, to prevent, and clear, mold. Also this week, our refrigerator broke- it too was leaking on the floor of the kitchen. Thankfully this too is already fixed.

This week I continued to work at the after school center. It is okay there. I can't mediate problems with the kids, or understand them, or discipline them, because of my lack of Hebrew. There have been several problems this week, with kids not listening and fighting and I feel useless. I enjoy it but want to figure out a way to split my week working there and at the high school.

Tonight I went to my host families house for the second time. We had a nice, light, dinner with ice cream for dessert. The kids were cute but they are all either sick or getting over being sick, so I was kind of happy to be out of there. But I had a nice time, I enjoy the company of the dad, Orr, his English is very good and he's a good conversationalist.

Oh, I'll hopefully have a website for you to see pictures. Oranim is giving me access codes to upload pictures for my group. I don't know any details yet but when I do I'll share them.

Okay, nothing else new here. I was feeling a little sniffly this week but I am feeling better now. I should go to bed because we will wake up in a few hours.

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